Program Preamble
Xitec Solutions Limited is a private company running a profit and loss model. It has four major areas of services namely, information technology consultancy; customers care services; tour and travel; and construction management. However at Xitec Solutions we believe that it’s the communities that we serve as our clients and therefore we have an obligation to help communities transform through information access for better farming methods and sustainable livelihood and better customer care human resource training.
Farming is a major income base in Ugandan communities and African in general, however farmers do not have better farming methods, finances, and also lack seeds, and many other needs that may help them register high yields per year. Farmers no longer get adequate rainfall due to changing weather caused by environmental changes and deforestations. At Xitec Solutions we believe that our ICT department has a role to play in assisting the farmers change for the better through; sensitization of farmers, training, information access, and seed distribution along side involving other methods to reach out to farmers through the media.
The Xitec Solutions Limited community out reach program will make it possible to achieve four major objectives.
- To train and sensitize farmers in better farming methods and record keeping on production – for example animal, poultry and fruits etc,
- To ensure that farmers get enough information about available markets and share available farming resources,
- To contribute seeds to the farmers in order to increase on the yields of individual farmers,
- To introduce and run a community based microfinance project to help in sustaining farming in the communities.
The interest of Xitec Solutions Limited to the communities will be directed towards the following activities:
- Training the farmers and communities in ICT basics including Internet usage
- Demonstrations on different farming activities
- Distributing seeds to the farmers
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Develop a web based system to help farmers access up to date information